What to Bring on a Cruise!
Are you planning for cruise travel for the first time? Then you must be wondering what other cruise essentials you need to pack except your clothing and daily usable items.
Experienced cruise travellers are also likely to forget those important things while packing for your voyage, it happens to us all.
Hence you need to plan well in advance and pack everything that you might use during your stay on the cruise. Overthinking what you need, or you may be in a hurry may result in forgetting a thing or two.
To guide you, we have made a list of few most important things that everyone should carry with you while going on a cruise. This will definitely help you making your ‘ultimate cruise pack’.
- First Aid & Medicines Kit
Keeping a travel first aid kit is one of the most essential items that you should always have at your side while travelling on a cruise. It will help you and your family members to address minor emergencies that come to up like fever, cough & cold, Motion Sickness, burns & cuts, etc.
Our CruisePak comes in two sizes depending on your duration of travel.
The ship will have hand sanitizer dispensers throughout the ship but when you are on shore it is best to have small packs to aid you. Our Cruisepaks come with single use hand sanitizer packs you can carry in your pocket.
- Cabin Surface Sanitizing Kit
While we know that the cabin stewards do their best to keep your cabin clean, sanitizing your area will help you have peace of mind that your room is safe after use from other guests. Check out our Basic or Deluxe> Cabin sanitizing kit. The biggest issue we have found was, the steward vacuuming our cabin and going from room to room with the same gloves. These kits will help keep the steward from passing germs to your cabin.
- Portable Chargers, Adapters, Power Strips!
We found that the cabins never have enough plugs, keeping your devices, laptops etc. are a must. Remember when shopping for these items you assure the Power strip you choose must be Surge Protector Free. We found out the hard way and the steward confiscated the power strip. These are banned items.
- Books, Kindle, Tablets
When you are travelling these will help you pass the time between your on-ship itinerary and port of call. There is nothing worse than waiting on the ship to set sail to your next destination.
- Portable Humidifier
The ship air can be so dry while you sleep, so these are a great addition to have while cruising.
We have found using a cool mist Humidifier that accepts standard bottles have been the easiest to last through the night. I have taken my CruisePaks Ultrasonic Cool Mist Humidifier on every cruise.
Personal Hygiene Items
Packing all your favorite products can be difficult. So, choosing a TSA approved empty container kit is always best. We have tried many kits but the one we found the best was the Beveetio Travel Bottle kit with carrying tote.
- Luggage Tag
The biggest worry is that your luggage will be misplaces before it reaches your room. We use very visible crystal-clear luggage tag holders. These holders are strong with a steel wire as to stay secure during the tossing of your luggage. With purchase of our deluxe bag linked above you will receive two tags free of charge.
- Rain Poncho
Sure, you can find these available at the shops for $5 to $10 dollars each. With our Basic or Deluxe you will have this in your kit in case you need them. Durable and reusable if you so desire, just fold it back up and store it away. Or you can purchase newly packed or many Refill Items for all our CruisePaks.
In Conclusion
The above list will vary from one’s individual needs. But we have covered the minimal of things you will need to assure a worry-free Cruise. We have taken out the guessing on what to take for medical needs that may arise along with some other nice add-ins to our kits.
Safe Travels from the family here at CruisePaks.com Email Support@cruisepaks.com for a free printable packing checklist!