Welly Bandages Quick Fix Color Wash Kit, Assorted Bandages, 24 Count

$17.00 Regular price $26.85

Nothing is worse than the feeling of a soggy bandage so we made this water proof Rock star. Whether you're catching a wave, jumping into swim class or rolling up your sleeves for a dish duty, we've got you covered. Our ultra thin, flexible and waterproof material stays put so you can keep moving. The bandage seals on all four sides to help keep germs and dirt out and water away.


  • 39 count waterproof bandages
  • Waterproof material moves with your every move
  • Three nautical patterns, ahoy matey!
  • A few sizes in a diamond shape


  • Brand : Welly
  • Manufacturer ‏: ‎Welly
  • Style : Adhesive
  • Condition : New
  • Manufacture Part No : WLY1006
  • Type : First Aid Care
  • Material Feature : Waterproof
  • Material : Fabric

    Welly Bandages Quick Fix


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